Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting ready to launch

We've got one animated piece completed with just a bit of packaging left to do. It'll be the first project for Dad's Garage TV and it'll hopefully be launched in a few days. It's called The Moon and is an excerpt from a show we're touring (and putting into our next season) called The Supervillain Monologues. Here's a review we got from touring it last season: Review

Let me tell you the collaborative tentacles on this project are far reaching. The concept is from Jason VonHinezemeyer an amazing artist pal of ours who works primarily over at the puppetry centre, the script was written by a team of hilarious writers from across Canada and the US, and with a mixture of human/puppet pieces it's performed/puppeteered by two of our ensemble members: Christian Danely and Lucky Yates (also resident puppetry director). Check out Lucky here: Lucky Bio

Two things really came together to make this project logical for our first stab at combining our theatre work with online programming. 1) The pieces are short, fun and the puppetry lends itself well to animation, 2) Christian is a very accomplished animator. Christian Bio

It has been such a rush working with him on this project, not to mention the other amazing family members who contributed their work like Sydney Ellis one of our in-house musicians who composed the theme, and our amazing friends at Doppler Studios who contributed studio time and sound editing.

This is exactly the kind of project that makes sense for the channel because of the intersections between our live work and our digital work. imagine if they got so entangled that it was impossible to identify it as simply a web series or a live show.

It will be exciting to watch the future of The Supervillain Monologues on Dad's Garage TV and how it impacts our live show. Will the favorites online be the favorites live? If something is popular online should we take it out of the live show because it's played out or does it become something people want to see performed live like a band playing their hit?

A beta version of our channel is up now, although it has no content so it's not seeing any traffic. It's just the tip of the iceberg as far as the amazing work our Marketing Director Linnea Frye has done to prepare for the launch of this new project. If you're interested in what it looks like here's the link: Our fledgling channel

Wish us luck as we leap forward into this!

Kevin Gillese

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